Kjer se srečata nebo in morje, kjer vino pripoveduje svojo zgodbo in kjer hrana nariše nasmeh na obrazu.
Nepozabno doživetje na vodenem turističnem izletu do posebnega kraja, kjer se srečata sonce, morje in vino.
Z ladjico vas bomo popeljali do morske vinske kleti, kjer v družbi morskega živeža mesece zori edinstvena penina MARE SANTO in pripoveduje svojo zgodbo, ob kateri bodo brbončice prevzete z nadvse osvežujočim in očarljivim okusom.
Poleg vinske poezije pa je to kraj, kjer hrana nariše nasmeh na obrazu, saj boste deležni le najboljših lokalnih domačih dobrot iz globin Jadranskega morja izpod rok kuharskih mojstrov.
Z ladjico vas popeljemo na nepozabno doživetje, doživetje za vse čute, saj smo združili darove morja, sonca in Goriških brd, kjer je vinska trta doma in pridelujemo vrhunska vina, poznana po celem svetu.
Po pijači dobrodošlice, se bomo popeljali do prav posebnega mesta, morske kleti, kjer zori unikatna penina Mare Santo.
* Brbončice bomo razvajali z vrhunskimi jedmi, kot so ostrige alla Mare Santo, različne vrste bakalarja, karpačo piranskega brancina z ekstra deviškim oljčnim oljem, hobotnica, gamberi in še več. Degustirali bomo vina in opazovali dvig unikatne penine MARE SANTO iz morskih globin, potem, ko je na dnu morja, v družbi morskega živeža počivala več mesecev.
*Izkušeni potapljači se bodo lahko pridružili potopu.
*Za željne zabave bomo druženje nadaljevali na kopnem, ob glasbi in večerji, ob prelepem razgledu na piranski zaliv v sončnem zahodu.
Opomba: *vsebina storitev odvisna od paketa
Silver experience
Panoramska vožnja z ladjo ob slovenski obali do morske kleti
Pokušina vina MARE SANTO (samo za polnoletne)
Prigrizki (olive, sir)
Ribji piknik (pijača vključena: vino, mineralna voda, voda)
Potop potapljača do vinske kleti v morju in dvig penine Mare Santo
Degustacija potopljene penine MARE SANTO
Organizacija, vodenje in animacija.
Ob četrtkih ali po dogovoru
3 ure
Cena velja na osebo, za skupino najmanj 20 oseb
Za manjše skupine cena po dogovoru
Otroci do 10. leta gratis, od 11. do dopolnjenega 18. leta - 50 %
Gold experience
Welcome drink Mare santo
Panoramska vožnja z ladjo ob slovenski obali do morske kleti
Pokušina vina MARE SANTO (samo za polnoletne)
Kulinarično razvajanje s priznanim chefom
Predstavitev dviga penine iz morskih globin
Degustacija penine MARE SANTO
Organizacija, vodenje in animacija za zaključene skupine
Po dogovoru
4 ure
Cena velja na osebo, za skupino najmanj 20 oseb
Za manjše skupine cena po dogovoru
Otroci do 10. leta gratis, od 11. do dopolnjenega 18. leta - 50 %
Platinum experience
Welcome drink Mare santo
Panoramska vožnja z ladjo ob slovenski obali do morske kleti
Kulinarično razvajanje s priznanim chefom
Degustacija vin MARE SANTO (samo za polnoletne)
Predstavitev dviga penine iz morskih globin
Degustacija penine MARE SANTO (samo za polnoletne)
Organiziran potop do vinske kleti v morju za najbolj drzne udeležence (potapljaška licenca)
Nadaljevanje zabave na kopnem: večerja (7-hodni menu z vinsko spremljavo na plaži ali v oljčniku – druženje ob živi glasbi
Darilo penina MARE SANTO (samo za polnoletne)
Organizacija, vodenje in animacija za zaključene skupine: team building, rojstni dan, poroka, obletnice, praznovanja
Po dogovoru
4 ure
Cena velja na osebo, za skupino najmanj 20 oseb
Za manjše skupine cena po dogovoru
Otroci do 10. leta gratis, od 11. do dopolnjenega 18. leta - 50 %
M: 040 318 540
Termina d.o.o.,
Stanetova ulica 27
3000 Celje
Where sky and sea meet, where wine tells its story and where food puts a smile on your face.
An unforgettable experience on a guided tourist trip to a special place where sun, sea and wine meet.
We will take you by boat to the marine wine cellar, where the unique MARE SANTO sparkling wine matures for months in the company of marine life and tells its story, while the taste buds will be overwhelmed with an extremely refreshing and charming taste.
In addition to wine poetry, this is a place where food puts a smile on your face, as you will be served only the best local delicacies from the depths of the Adriatic Sea from the hands of master chefs.
With a boat, we take you on an unforgettable experience, an experience for all the senses, because we have combined the gifts of the sea, the sun and the Goriška hills , where the vines are at home and we produce top wines known all over the world.
After a welcome drink, we will drive to a very special place, the sea cellar, where the unique Mare Santo sparkling wine matures.
*Taste buds will be pampered with top dishes such as oysters alla Mare Santo, different types of cod, carpaccio of piranha sea bass with extra virgin olive oil, octopus, shrimps and more. We will taste wines and watch the rise of the unique MARE SANTO sparkling wine from the depths of the sea, after resting for several months at the bottom of the sea in the company of marine life.
*Experienced divers will be able to join the dive.
*For those who want to have fun, we will continue the socializing on land, with music and dinner, with a beautiful view of the bay of Piran at sunset.
Note: *service content depends on the package
Silver experience
Panoramic boat ride along the Slovenian coast to the sea cellar
MARE SANTO wine tasting (adults only)
Snacks (olives, cheese)
Fish picnic (drinks included: wine, mineral water, water)
A diver's dive to a wine cellar in the sea and a rise of Mare Santo sparkling wine
Tasting of immersed MARE SANTO sparkling wine
Organization, management and animation
Thursdays or by appointment
3 hours
The price is per person, for a group of at least 20 people
For smaller groups, the price is negotiable
Children up to the age of 10 free, from the age of 11 to the age of 18 - 50%
Gold experience
Welcome drink Mare Santo
Panoramic boat ride along the Slovenian coast to the sea wine cellar
MARE SANTO wines tasting
Culinary indulgence with a renowned chef
Presentation of the rise of sparkling wine from the depths of the sea
Tasting of Mare santo sparkling wine
Organization, management and animation for closed groups
By agreement
4 hours
The price is per person, for a group of at least 20 people
For smaller/larger groups, the price is negotiable
Children up to the age of 10 free, from the age of 11 to the age of 18 - 50%
Platinum experience
Welcome drink Mare santo
Panoramic boat ride along the Slovenian coast to the sea cellar
Culinary indulgence with a renowned chef
MARE SANTO wines tasting
Presentation of the rise of sparkling wine from the depths of the sea
MARE SANTO sparkling wine tasting
Organized dive to a wine cellar in the sea for the most daring participants (diving license)
Continuation of the party on land: dinner (7-course menu with wine accompaniment on the beach or in the olive grove, socializing with live music)
A gift of MARE SANTO sparkling wine (for adults only)
Organization, management and animation for closed groups: team building , birthday, wedding, anniversaries, celebrations
By agreement
Full day trip
The price is per person, for a group of at least 20 people
For smaller/larger groups, the price is negotiable
Children up to the age of 10 free, from the age of 11 to the age of 18 - 50%
M: 040 318 540
Termina d.o.o.,
Stanetova ulica 27
3000 Celje